Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Stop and Think

Post-exam is always a good time for reflection.  It allows a short time to catch a breath before the next wave of information crashes down.  Granted, I did have a week with no new material, it still felt like there's constantly more and more material that I overlooked and failed to master before.

In the struggle to keep up with material, everything seems busy, busy.  Sometimes I tend to just wake up and just get busy with the day without thinking about how that day would be handled.  In essence, busyness can be a form of laziness, if I don't take the time out to delineate my plans for the day.  Efficiency towards the wrong task is actually ineffective.  When I am solely focused on the next task, my prayer time is rushed I don't truly appreciate the uniqueness and gift of another day.  That's when God seems to, through one source or another, say slow down son.

After the mini, I went to the beach where Joel reminded me that I'm not that great of a swimmer.  Nonetheless, it was nice to catch a break and enjoy creation near its finest.

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