Sunday, January 8, 2017

Night Shift

I'm convinced that I'm nocturnal.  I just seem to thrive more in the night.  The peacefulness, no interruptions, silence, and darkness.  Unfortunately, as a student I am not able to operate on this schedule usually. But now I'm doing a week of nights.  It has been extremely busy during the traumas: getting the ultrasound, cutting off clothes, rolling the patient over, gathering the history of the accident from the patient or EMS or family, gathering a history and physical of the patinet, and documenting this in a note with lab and imaging... that is until I am interuppted by the next 3 patients that come in from a motor vehicle accident, stabbing, shooting... and even the condom covered cucumber found in the colon. Trauma life has been busy busy and I've been doing this long enough to know that busy busy is not my style

Friday, January 6, 2017


I have come to the conclusion that I would never want to go into surgery.

1) Lifestyle doesn't allow much time outside of hospital
2) Unpredictable schedule
3) In General Surgery many of the same cases
4) Military-like hierarchy
5) Lots of wound changing and unglamorous activities
6) Too much yelling