Saturday, August 24, 2013

First day on the island

It always seems like no matter how long i start packing in advance, I always rush to get my luggage together.  It is difficult to figure out which of your items are essential to take on the island and which aren't.  I rushed to get to the airport bus from Bakersfield by 6 and was at LAX at 8 for my flight that left at 11:50.  I read in the airport, and ran into a student I had met at the information seminar a few months back.  I slept the whole way on the flight from LA to Miami.  Then I took the flight from Miami to San Juan and met a few more students from Ross who were sitting nearby.  The lady behind me was from California as well, about 2 hours from my hometown.  San Juan to Dominica was where things started getting tricky.  I didn't have problems with Liat, but it was the TSA in the San Juan airport that took forever to let people through the security gate.  I rushed to get to my flight a few minutes before takeoff.  The winding road heading from the airport to Jenner Hall, on Ross main campus, wasn't that bad, the driver was a good tour guide and really nice.  The people from my semester seemed pretty laid back and friendly; we'll see how long that lasts when exam time comes.  When we got in they had a mini orientation and slideshow.  After that they fed us a good meal of chinese food.  Finally, I headed to my apartment and got settled in.  I came in amazed at how much greenery there is, just hills of tall trees and bushes.  In Bakersfield, I'm used to dust and tumbleweeds.  It really does look like an untouched island.  I think I'll really enjoy it here.

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