Monday, February 12, 2018


I got engaged over Christmas, so now I'm in the middle of planning the wedding. Wheww. I will say it's easier to plan a wedding during 4th year than any other time in residency, so I have that going for me.  Not that I'm doing that much of the planning. Thanks to the God (as a patient says) for wedding planners.  It's up in the air where I'll be for residency, so there's that too. The wifey is a nurse, but is signed to a 3 year contract, so she'll have to stay in Bakersfield no matter where I end up. Good thing is all of my interviews in California.  So if I'm fortunate to get a residency spot I won't be too far away no matter where I end up.  It also helps that I have a supportive fiance who understands the residency process, and she wants me to choose whichever program I feel is the best fit for me.

Also,  I'll be done with rotations in April and the wedding is in June, so that will give me time to finalize thing and I'll be able to go away for a honeymoon before residency starts.