Monday, September 29, 2014

MD/ MBA Option

I have yet to find official documentation, resources, or links indicating a dual degree opportunity, however a recent graduate from AUC (another medical school owned by Devry) recently told me about an opportunity to obtain a MBA from the Devry Keller School of Management.  This is for students who are waiting to obtain resdidency after graduation.  Supposedly, there is a grant/scholarship deal that the med schools got together with DeVry Keller Graduate School of Management. It pays for a year of online classes ($26k) and 1 year of the MBA has been completed due to credits and classes from medical school.  

This may be something to consider for those also considering an MBA.  I am not sure if this grant applies to other graduate programs, but it would seam reasonable, especially for other graduate programs such as MPH that Devry offers.  

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Blog Schedule

I'll attempt to post more regularly.  You'll see a post from me twice a week.  Most likely on Monday and Thursday.  Subscribe to get an email whenever a new post is up.

Oh, and the app Figure 1 is awesome if you haven't had a chance to check it out.  You can search for most diseases and various pictures that medical professionals post with descriptions about the patient history.  There is a community that comments on the post attempting to come up with the most likely diagnosis based on the symptoms.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Keep Pushing

 All the repeaters are put in a supplemental (ELLS) course.  Today I was asked by my ELLS instructor to shared my experiences with the students who were repeating first semester. I was instantly reminded about the awkwardness of putting on the green scrubs for Anatomy lab a second time around, seeing the same professors and materials, feeling inadequate, but more importantly, I remembered learning how to enjoy the material that I was learning.  Anatomy went from my least favorite to favorite class because I took the time to appreciate the opportunity to dissect and have access to the bodies for most of the day for learning.  I was also reminded of the friendships and study partners developed through the common struggle and the gratification of pushing forward.  Many times set-backs are great because they force us to stop and examine what we have done wrong and what we need to change.  Otherwise, we get comfortable, thinking that our performance is adequate even if we have much room for improvement.  I tried to share what I learned throughout the past year with the students and encouraged them to keep pressing on to the goal... to promote and assist in developing the wellbeing of other people.