Sunday, February 2, 2014

First Mini

I had my first mini on Monday.  Well second first mini I guess, as I am repeating the semester.  Thank God for a second chance.  I passed it for the first time with a 77%.  It's not as high as I would like but it is a start in the right direction.

A few days before that I was vomiting on campus.  I tried to go to a review that Friday, but I couldn't stay long, so I just went home and got some sleep.  After lab on day I had got very sick and nauseous after anatomy lab on day.  The first time that had happened.  But it only lasted a few days and I felt better after resting.  I think it was the formaldehyde that got to me this time and I got nauseous.  That's what I get for not eating very much before lab.

Our cadaver was a fighter, she lived 102 years old.  She had a pacemaker and the report listed her cause of death from general in-balance.  Sounds like they weren't to eager to investigate the cause of death.  I have really started to enjoy going to Anatomy lab, because I have a greater appreciate and understanding of the anatomy after repeating the course.  Our last dissection was the brachial plexus.  It was very tedious, trying to identify all the branches coming off the lateral, medial, and posterior cords.  However, it definitely is amazing to see the engineering of the nerves and the routes they travel to innervate the body.  I've seen the youtube video of drawing the brachial plexus in 10 seconds and that's been my go to video for learning.

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